Mumbai: Bollywood director Kunal Deshmukh has been looking for a lead heroine for his film under the UTV Films banner, starring Emraan Hashmi.
Now his search has been come to end and finally he cast Pakistani actress Humaima Malik in his forthcoming film. Last year Humaima’s Pakistani film Bol had released in India and had many good reviews.
According to sources, “Humaima has been trying to get work in India. The team has met her and is in the process of finalizing the deal.”
By means of a comparison actresses Veena Malik and Meera the sources said, “There is a difference between Humaima and her counterparts. With Bol she has proven her mettle as an actor. Glamour can be cultivated but acting is an inherent talent.”
The news is roaming around that both UTV and the director have decided to sign Pakistani actress Humaima Malik to play the lead in their film.
A source close to the team said: “Humaima has been approached, but nothing is official right now. A screen test has been conducted, UTV and Kunal are looking at a fresh pairing for Emraan and if things would fall in place, in all probability she will step into the project.”
Deshmukh had earlier directed Emraan in “Jannat” and “Jannat 2″.
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